
8 Weird Word Trends You Probably Never Heard Of

1) Love and Hope always overcome Fear and Hate


2) Life is Greater than Death


3) Our Fears often make it hard to Enjoy Life


4) Gender Studies 101: Part I


5) Gender Studies 101: Part II


6) We are Less Happy than we ever have been and More Busy. In fact, we are #SoBusy*

PS. Stop telling me (and Meredith) you are so busy.

7) Existentialism is Winning


8) No One Cares about “The Bubble”


*Sources [1], [2], [3], [4]

Music, Musings, Probably Only Important to Me, thoughts

Musing on Mix Tapes

Mix Tapes

Ah, the mix tape. Through it’s many forms: tape, CD, thumb-drive, hand scribbled note, .m3u file; it remains, to me, one of the most personal ways of audible expression short of actually composing a song or poem. A mix tape is the original “social media.” The mix (as it will herein be referred to) is a once often practiced, now sadly neglected, art and ritual amongst friends, crushes, significant others, new acquaintances, pen pals and strangers. Continue reading

Announcements, photography, Tshirts

My photos are going to China! Sweet.


Alright, so today has been a good day (and I didn’t even seen 3 red cars in a row).

It’s a gorgeous day weatherwise, I busted out some sweet designs, made a pretty decent lunch. The place I work is going to pick up some really sick clients, so that means I’ll be working on some really awesome projects AND I just found out two of my images were chosen to show in Pingyao, China for the 2009 International Photography Festival. Which is apparently the “oldest and largest photography exhibition in China,” according to this tourism site. (Here are some cool pictures from last years show on a blog I found via google.)

So, if you happen to be around Pingyao between September 19th—26th, take some pictures for me, I’d love to see the show and my work there!

Oh, and here are the two images that were chosen (out of 450, of 100 others):


Hidden Galaxies 5/5

Amusement, discovery

Playfish SEO Google Fail

So I was doing some research for a project I’m working on and I was looking through the Google Results for “Social Games” when I got to a very peculiar meta description. Look carefully below, do you see it?

Can you spot the egregious META fail?

Can you spot the egregious META fail?

Look a little closer. Yea, that’s right. Apparently, some troll tweet was the top of the Twitter feed on the homepage at the time the spiders hit the site, thus the GoogleBot made it into the Meta description for PlayFish.

That's what you get for not having a meta description tag.

That's what you get for not having a meta description tag.

Way to go Playfish, try some meta tags next time.
Update: A quick query on reveals the lucky winner of the “override my meta description” contest:

Congrats DeAxl (Oliver Lopez)

You have successfully smote playfish’s SEO.

The Lucky Tweet!

The Lucky Tweet!


Total Recall: GONE WILD!

This may have made even Arnold blush… I’m not sure I mind that much, but it very well could be too far?

Yes, you can clearly see a penis.

Yes, you can clearly see a penis.

From this article:

Privacy advocates plan to call on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to suspend use of “whole-body imaging,” the airport security technology that critics say performs “a virtual strip search” and produces “naked” pictures of passengers, CNN has learned.

What Would Arnold Do?

What Would Arnold Do?

The fantasy.

The fantasy.
